The history of Richmond Park spans four centuries with numerous Royals associated with the Park, such as Charles I who enclosed the Park in 1637. These and other connections make for an immensely rich heritage which is unknown to most park visitors.
The Hearsum Collection has been acquired over two decades and holds some 5,000 items relating to the Royal Parks, although this figure is constantly growing. Current storage conditions are unsafe and do not permit public access to this fascinating collection. The aims of the Heritage Pavilion are to provide safe storage and to allow access to all for their enjoyment.
The Park has been a much loved and frequented amenity for centuries. However the Park will face many challenges in surviving the pressures of the 21st century. The popularity of the Park continues to grow, attracting some 3.5 million visitors each year. Combine this with a delicate eco system of unique biodiversity and the potential harm is vast. The heritage pavilion aims to protect the future of the Park by providing a suitable visitors centre adequate for serving a Park of its size. The visitors centre will provide information on the Park’s ecology and biodiversity. It will aim to encourage more sustainable and responsible use of the Park to ensure its protection for future generations.
“Preserving the past, protecting the future”
Aims of the heritage pavilion
- Increase public access to Richmond Park and its many facets.
- Provide an educational facility with access for all, enabling greater public appreciation and enjoyment of the Park.
- Provide public access to the Hearsum Collection consisting of some 5,000 items relating to the Park.
- Enable information on the Park, such as maps, leaflets etc. to be readily available to park users.
- Encourage more responsible use of the park through increased awareness and respect for the immense biodiversity that exists here.
- Provide a visitor centre of suitable size given the popularity of the park.
- Support the management of the park, ensuring its long term sustainability.
Who is involved?
The Hearsum Collection
The Hearsum Collection a registered charity that will develop and manage the heritage pavilion for the enjoyment of the park’s visitors.
The Royal Parks
The Royal Parks are actively supporting the project.
The Friends of Richmond Park
The Friends of Richmond Park will continue to provide trained volunteers to assist with the running of the heritage pavilion.
Heritage Lottery Fund
An application will be submitted to the Heritage Lottery Fund for the necessary funds to proceed with the development.
The Hearsum Family Ltd
The Hearsum Family Ltd will provide match funding and support to ensure the long-term success of the heritage pavilion.
Read more about the heritage pavilion
– how it might look, where it will be built and what services it will provide? – go to The Hearsum Collection