Park Regulations

Header photo by Bartek Olszewski

The nine Royal Parks have a common set of regulations which set out what visitors should and shouldn't do.
The following is a layman's summary of the main regulations, as they affect Richmond Park.


  • Interfere with a plant or fungus
  • Climb or interfere with a tree
  • Fish or take birds' eggs
  • Worry or injure an animal or bird
  • Feed or touch a deer
  • Drop or leave litter
  • Permit a dog to foul
  • Fail to keep a dog under control or (where required) on a lead
  • Permit a dog to chase, worry or injure a deer or other animal
  • Cycle or roller skate except on designated paths
  • Ride, drive or cycle dangerously
  • Ride, drive or cycle at night without lights
  • Drive above the 20 mph speed limit
  • Park outside the car parks
  • Play games or sport, fly a kite or model aircraft except in designated areas
  • Carry on a trade
  • Bathe in a pond


The full regulations are contained in The Royal Parks and Other Open Spaces Regulations 1997, available online at 
The 2004 amendments can be viewed at


From July 2012, the police are able to issue Penalty Notices, now £60, for the following offences, which are all breaches of Park regulations

  • Littering
  • Cycling outside designated cycling areas
  • Failing to clear up after a dog

The new police powers are the same as those already available to police officers in other parks and public spaces across London


The Metropolitan Police, Park management and the Friends have recently produced a leaflet called "On The Road" covering Park regulations and 'rules of the road' for users of the roads in Richmond Park. You can download it below or get a paper copy at the Visitor Centre.