A Discoverers Event
For families and Children
Summer Bugs and Butterflies Trail
and "bring your own" picnic
Sunday June 25th 10.30 am – 12.30 pm
Did You Know?
More than 90% of all living species are invertebrates – i.e. animals without backbones
There is a huge range of invertebrates in Richmond Park – including beetles and butterflies.
1 in 5 of all named creatures on Earth is a beetle- the largest group
There are over 4000 species of beetle in Britain and the Park is home to more than 1550
This event is free and open to non-members of FRP. If overbooked, priority will be given to FRP members.
If you do not currently belong to the Friends, why not join and help look after something very special?
Annual membership costs just £15.00 for a family. For more information go to https://www.frp.org.uk/friends/get-involved/
You can also sign up for the Discoverers mailing list to get details of future events as soon as they are announced.
For more information, you can contact us at discoverers@frp.org.uk