Poems in the Park is a competition launched by the Friends, in conjunction with The Richmond and Kingston Magazines, to mark the FRP’s 50th anniversary.
The competition is open to everyone whatever their age, and we hope there will be lots of entries from people living in the three boroughs bordering the Park.
We are delighted to announce that Sir Trevor McDonald, the celebrated broadcaster and journalist, has agreed to be one of the judges, alongside acclaimed children’s author Dame Jacqueline Wilson. The panel will also include Richard Nye and Fiona Adams, Editors of The Richmond and Kingston Magazines respectively, and members of the Friends..
As a new FRP Patron, Dame Jacqueline is thrilled to be associated with the competition. “I've written about Richmond Park in my books,” she tells us, “and when I want to unwind after a morning's hard work, I'll make for the Park.”
Poems in the Park is now open for entries and details on how to enter are below. The closing date is July 15. The winning entries, which will be announced in the autumn, will be displayed in Poet’s Corner alongside memorials to James Thomson and Ian Dury (see picture right).
The FRP is grateful to the competition’s sponsors, the solicitors Russell-Cooke.
How to enter
About your poem
Your poem should be inspired by Richmond Park or any aspect thereof.
It should not be longer than a single A4 sheet. It can be rhyming or non-rhyming, in any accepted poetry format.
Age categories
There are three age categories: 19+ years, 13-18 years, 12 years and under. (Within the younger age categories, consideration will be given to the age of the entrant.)
Closing date
The closing date for entries is 15 July.
How to submit your entry
Entries should be sent to: Poems in the Park, Sheengate Publishing, Unit A4, Kingsway Business Park, Oldfield Rd, Hampton, Middx TW12 2HD. You can also submit entries by email here, marked ‘Poems in the Park’.
Entries should include your full name and contact phone number.
Those aged 18 or under should also indicate their age.
Selection of the winning entries
The winners will be announced in the autumn; the exact date will be confirmed later. Prizes and awards will include a trophy for each category winner and a certificate for the winner and runner-up in each category. Other prizes will be announced soon. The winning poems will be displayed in Poet’s Corner in Pembroke Lodge Gardens and published in The Richmond and Kingston Magazines.