Design a poster for the Park!

Last year’s Poems in the Park competition attracted 650 entries from poets of all ages. Now we're inviting amateur and professional artists and designers to design a poster to celebrate the wonders of Richmond Park.

2012 is a special year for the park, with Her Majesty the Queen visiting as part of the Diamond Jubilee ‘Wild London’ celebrations and the Olympic road cycling races passing through in the summer.

The competition, which is free to enter, asks entrants to design an eye-catching poster featuring the slogan Tread Lightly in Richmond Park – celebrating the Park in this momentous year and helping protect the Park’s rich wildlife and ecology.

You can enter:
• If you’re aged 9 upwards
• Independently or through school, college or work
• If you’re inspired to design a great poster that will be used in conservation campaigns

Full details and entry form can be found here

There will be three age categories, and we hope to attract a wide range of entrants in all of them. We’re currently appointing the judges and finalising prizes and hope to be able to celebrate the creativity of the finalists in some style in the autumn.

For those who haven't already seen them, the winners, runners-up and commended poems from Poems in the Park (with entries mostly from the Richmond and Kingston areas) are currently on show in Richmond Reference Library, Old Town Hall and in Pembroke Lodge Gardens, Richmond Park.