Bones and Feathers Workshop
Booking now open for this event! Go to Discoverers page to book here
Sunday March 20th 2016 2:00pm – 4:00pm
Come and discover more about the owls in Richmond Park. Be a scientist for the morning, taking apart an owl pellet to find out which small mammals the owl has been eating. The pellets have been regurgitated by a Barn Owl and found in the Park. They contain all kinds of tiny animal bones, including ribs, backbones, shoulder blades and maybe even a skull or two! You will learn how to identify which bones you have found and lay them onto a photo of a skeleton to see if you have found a complete animal. This is a rare and unique opportunity which will be absolutely fascinating for adults and children alike. The process is totally hygienic as the pellets have been sterilized, you will wear gloves and the bones will be cleaned in a bleach solution.
Workshop Leader:Susanna Ramsey (of The Nature Collection). Her unique and unforgettable hands-on display of animal bones, feathers, antlers etc., represents the rich wildlife of Richmond Park.
More details:
- As the workshop involves dissecting Barn Owl pellets it will be for older children 8 year old and upwards.
- The event is free to Friends. If you are not a member of the Friends, then there will be a charge, payable on the day, of £5.00 per child.
- If the workshop is oversubscribed, priority will be given to FRP members
- Successful applicants will be emailed with details of location etc.
If you do not currently belong to the Friends of Richmond Park, this is your opportunity to join a worthwhile group of people who are looking after something very special and precious to us all! How to join. Annual membership costs £15.00 for a family
You can also signup for the Discoverers mailing list to get details of future events as soon as they are announced.
For more information about Discoverers you can contact us at
For details of how to join the Friends of Richmond Park, go to