November’s Full Moon was a Super Moon – closer to Earth than at any time since January 1948. Thirty two children and parents gathered at the Cambrian Community Centre to take a look at our nearest neighbour with the help of the large telescope brought along by our visiting astronomer, Dr. Robin Scagell. However, as so often happens, our weather had other ideas and the skies remained cloud-covered until half-an-hour or so after the end of our session! Very disappointing, still, we learned a lot about our Moon and Robin’s telescope was a big hit. We will be giving this event another go early next year!
Useful links: Web site for the Society of Popular Astronomy. See
To see the International Space Station viewing times go to
To learn more about Stellarium, the free software you can download to find your way around the night sky, go to
- Demonstrating Captured Rotation
- Dressed for the occasion
- Trying the eyepiece
- Telescope demonstration