Essential works on Petersham Road and Star and Garter Hill – could produce more traffic in Richmond Park
Various utility works are being carried out in Petersham Road and Star & Garter Hill over the next few months.
15 to 27 October: Five utility companies will be carrying out works for new connections at Ancaster House opposite the former Star & Garter Home, requiring temporary four way traffic signals (manually controlled from 7am to 7pm seven days a week).
28 to 30 October: Star & Garter Hill will be closed at the junction of Richmond Gate for the removal of the crane currently in place in the former Star & Garter home.
31 October to 11 November (provisionally): National Grid Gas will be carrying out a new connection to the Petersham Hotel, requiring two way temporary traffic signals at the junction of Nightingale Lane (manually controlled at peak times).
14 to 16 November: Thames Water will be carrying out a repair at the junction of Star & Garter Hill and Petersham Road, requiring temporary three way signals(manually controlled at peak times).
21 November to 2 December (provisionally): National Grid Gas will be completing their Gas main replacement works outside Robins Court in Petersham Road, requiring two way temporary signals (manually controlled at peak times).