Photo by Anne Ross
Tree Photography Competition “Summer”
This is one of four seasonal competitions to celebrate Year of the Tree, organised by the Friends of Richmond Park.
This competition – Summer – is open now! Closing date 30 September 2020.
- The overall theme is images that show the character of the Park’s trees. Entrance is free.
- Trees so often seem to be photographed only as background in photos of the Park’s animals – it’s time for trees to take centre stage!
Each Seasonal Winner will receive a prize of a beautiful book of trees by leading landscape photographers. There will be a different book for each seasonal competition. Winners will also be announced and featured on our website, Instagram and Facebook pages, and in our printed newsletters and monthly e-bulletins.
How to Enter & Terms and Conditions
The year of the Tree is the Friends of Richmond Park’s year-long conservation campaign, with Sir David Attenborough as its Patron, and aims to protect and enhance the Park’s trees whilst raising visitors’ understanding and appreciation of our trees and their importance to the Park’s ecology.
As part of the Year of the Tree, throughout 2020, the Friends of Richmond Park (FRP) are running a series of photography competitions on the overall theme of the Park’s trees – one competition for each season. We postponed the spring competition due to Covid restrictions and will hold this in 2021.
Please respect the environment of the Park as you take your photographs. See tread lightly information. Richmond Park is a National Nature Reserve and a Site of Special Scientific Interest, of both national and international importance for wildlife conservation.
- We are looking for images that show the character of a tree or trees.
- Images can be of any part of a tree, whole trees or any number of trees.
- Images can also include any living organism that is permanently attached to a tree e.g. lichen. However, images of birds, insects, mammals and reptiles will not be judged, so we advise entrants only to include them in the composition when they are incidental.
- All images must be taken in Richmond Park and during the relevant season’s competition dates.
- There are plenty of trees to choose from!There are over 130,000 trees in the Park with 45% of these being different varieties of oak. Beech trees account for 20% with a further 20% made up of hawthorn, birch and hornbeam. Sweet and horse chestnut represent about 5% and the remaining 10% is composed of various indigenous and exotic species including willow, alder, cedar and sugar maple. Many of these trees are classed as ancient or veteran including around 1300 veteran oaks up to 750 years old. Each veteran provides shelter and nesting sites for hundreds of species of fungi, lichen and insects.
- To explore and learn about the Park’s trees,we suggest going on our new short nature walks from Park gates, which are available free to download from our website
When the Visitor centre reopens, we also suggest our self-guided tree walks: ‘Walks with Remarkable Trees’. Sets 1 and 2 will be on sale at the Visitor Centre when it reopens.
- All images submitted must be the work of the individual submitting them and must not have won a prize in any other photographic competition.
- You can enter one, two, three or all four seasons’ competitions.
- Each entrant can submit a maximum of two photos for each of the four seasonal competitions.
- All entries must be received by the advertised closing dates and times. Late, illegible, incomplete, defaced or corrupt entries will not be accepted. No responsibility can be accepted for lost entries and proof of transmission will not be accepted as proof of receipt. Entries must not be sent through agencies or third parties.
- Please change the file name for each photo into the following form: the season, followed by surname and first name and then a number 1 or 2.: e.g. If John Smith submits photos for this summer competition, the file names would be:
Summer.smith.john.1 Summer.smith.john.2
- Photos must be without a signature, watermark or date/time on the photo.
- Each photo needs to be between 2 and 10 MBs
- Photos should be sent to either attached to a single email, or sent using the free site Wetransfer:
- Entrants should include their first and second names and telephone number on the emailor in the Wetransfer message box.
- Please do not zip your files
We are sorry but we cannot accept any photos not submitted in this way.
It is the responsibility of each entrant to ensure that any images they submit which include an identifiable person or persons have been taken with the permission of the person or persons pictured and do not infringe the copyright of any third party or any laws. Entrants must warrant that the photograph they are submitting is their own work and that they own the copyright for it.
Copyright for all images submitted for this Competition remains with the respective entrants. In entering the Competition, each entrant gives their permission to the Friends of Richmond Park to feature any or all of the submitted images, with accreditation, in any of their publications, their websites and/or in any promotional material connected to this competition.
- The Editor of the FRP’s newsletter, the FRP’s webmaster, and an independent, local photographer (together the ‘Judges’) will choose one winning entry for each season (the ‘Seasonal Winner’) and two runners up for each season, from all the valid competition entries received in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. The names of the Judges will be available on the FRP website.
- When choosing the winners and runners up, the Judges will be looking for the most well composed, artistic and original image that evokes the best interpretation of the theme.
- The Judges’ decision of who the Seasonal Winner is each season will be made within 6 weeks from the closing date of the relevant seasonal competition. Sothe seasonal winner for summer will be chosen on or before 10 November 2020.
- The Judges’* decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
* Sue Lindenberg, former judge of Countryfile calendar and local amateur photographer.
Steve Sandham, FRP Trustee, eBulletin editor and webmaster.
Vivienne Press, FRP Trustee, newsletter editor and calendar producer.
- Each Seasonal Winner will receive a prize of a photography book of trees by leading landscape photographers. There will be different books for each seasonal competition.
- All the placed photos will be announced and featured on our website, Instagram and Facebook pages, and in our printed newsletters and monthly e-bulletins.
- The prizes as described are available on the date of publication. All prizes are non-transferable and there are no cash alternatives
- Events may occur that render the Competition itself or the awarding of the prizes impossible due to reasons beyond the control of FRP and accordingly FRP may at its absolute discretion vary or amend the Competition and the entrant agrees that no liability shall attach to the Promoter as a result thereof.
- All information detailing how to enter this Competition forms part of these terms and conditions. It is a condition of entry that all rules are accepted as final and that the competitor agrees to abide by these rules. The decision of the judges is final and no correspondence will be entered into. Submission of an entry will be taken to mean acceptance of these terms and conditions.