Please Sign our Petition

Petition to stop destruction of historic St Paul's view



Please Sign our Petition

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The Friends of Richmond Park have launched a campaign demanding from the London Mayor and the GLA:

  • An immediate enquiry into how and why planning permission was granted, particularly as the protected view requires "clear sky background" behind St Paul's

  • Why St Paul's Cathedral, Historic England, The Royal Parks and others were not informed about the development

  • What other developments have been granted planning permission within this and other protected view-lines

  • Plans to mitigate damage to the protected view by the developers of Manhattan Loft Gardens


"Today's Londoners care deeply about these views… the view from Richmond Park to St Paul's has been blighted… We trample on irreplaceable layers of history at our peril".

Duncan Wilson, CEO, Historic England – Letter to The Times, 7th December 2016

"If the remaining protected views are not simply to be regarded as a paper exercise, the mayor needs to get a grip on the speculative free-for-all for tall buildings…"

Philip Davies, former planning and development director for English Heritage – Letter to The Times, 6th December 2016


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