On Monday 13th February, Discoverers’ volunteers and Artist Sam R. were ready to welcome children who came along to plant a sapling as part of the public hedge planting event in the new Queen’ Green Canopy, at Ham Cross.

It was a gorgeous sunny day and 100 children came to make a little tree out of clay with us.  Sam had prepared a few for us to look and children also took inspiration from the trees in the new plantation.

We were happy to see all the children so engaged with their creations.  Many of their trees exhibited holes in the trunk and on the end of branches, demonstrating what keen observers of the Richmond Park they truly are.

The location of the new plantation on the ridge overlooking the Thames in the distance, was also a favourite spot of the first settlers who came to Richmond Park during the Bronze Age.  On a sunny February morning in 2023, it was still very clear why that was so.  This new plantation, planted with 70 new trees and hundreds of new saplings for the hedge is a wonderful way to remember HM Queen Elizabeth II.

Thank you for coming along and do share pictures of your little clay trees at discoverers@frp.org.uk if you wish to.