Royal  Parks  Announcement:

Movement  Strategy  Update

We are pleased to announce that The Royal Parks has formally adopted its Movement Strategy and five trial projects that we intend to deliver this year (2020-21). The Movement Strategy sets a coherent framework to help shape and inform the policies we develop and decisions we take relating to how park visitors can access, experience, and move within the parks.

We know there is a lot of interest in what we will do next, particularly after the Covid-enforced road restrictions, so we are informing you now of our planned trials for later in the year.

Each of these trial projects seek to restrict cut-through motor vehicle traffic on our park roads and create new spaces for park visitors to enjoy. These projects will formally start once we have eased current COVID-19 restrictions and the car parks are fully re-opened, and will last for a period of six months. We will announce a start date for the trials and associated consultation period as soon as is possible. Please read our Implementation Plan to learn more about the trial projects.

In Richmond Park, we will design and implement a trial scheme that will reduce cut-through traffic while still providing access to our car parks. Our studies show that the majority of all motor traffic in Richmond Park is cut-through traffic.

To stay up to date on all Movement projects and progress, sign up for our e-newsletter at