The Friends was one of a number of objectors to a recent planning application which sought the demolition of stables and stores at Stag Lodge Stables. The Stables are situated just outside the Park at Robin Hood Gate. If planning permission had been granted, the applicant could have erected a 3-storey terrace of three 4-bedroom town houses with provision for 10 off-street parking spaces.
On 14 January planning permission was refused by Kingston Borough Council. The refusal notice mentions that the site performs an important recreational, historical and visual function; the equestrian use of the site contributes to the character, appearance and identity of the locality, and its loss would be contrary to Kingston's Unitary Development Plan. The document also notes that the Council is not satisfied that that the development would not result in adverse impacts on important flora and fauna within Richmond Park.
It is open to the applicant to appeal against the refusal.