Photo: Kestrel by Nigel Jackman
The Birds of Richmond Park 2009 – 2018 – Final
(Click to view)
Observations on the Richmond Park Ten-Year Bird List
An impressive record, by The Richmond Park Bird Group, of the different species of birds spotted in Richmond Park over the past 10 years. You can see which birds are resident, regular visitors, or new sightings, as well as which birds are known to breed in the park.
The 2009 -2018 Bird List shows an impressive listing of 128 species of birds seen or heard in Richmond Park in the twelve months to 31st December 2018. Not only is this a considerable improvement on the records of 114 and 115 in 2016 and 2017 respectively, but is the highest number of species recorded in any of the past ten years.
2009 |
2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 |
116 | 116 | 120 | 117 | 114 | 127 | 125 | 114 | 115 | 128 |
The list saw three species dropping off, Woodlark, Grey Plover and Gannet (all last seen in 2008) and the addition (each a first-ever record) of Common Crane, Cetti’s Warbler and Snow Bunting.
Who knows what additions (old friends or new acquaintances) might be seen in 2019, but we stand to lose Common Scoter, Long-eared Owl, Wood Warbler and Yellowhammer unless they put in a further appearance before 31st December 2019.
Numbers and breeding success of the regular residents fluctuate or trend for better or worse over time, and it is primarily uncommon or rare species, often only flying overhead or stopping briefly, that account for the most interesting newcomers and variations from year to year. Birds such as Cetti’s Warbler and Great White Egret, may be seen more often in future years. Sand Martins are now using the artificial nesting bank at Upper Pen Pond. Of particular concern and regret, though, is the assumed absence of the Lesser-spotted Woodpecker, for reasons unknown, since March 2017.
Nigel Jackman
Chair, Richmond Park Bird Group
January 2019