The Friends of Richmond Park to part fund a new tranquil woodland to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee
Image left: The site of the new woodland being part funded by The Friends of Richmond Park © The Royal Parks
As part of The Queen’s Green Canopy initiative a new woodland to celebrate Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee is to be planted in Richmond Park. This will be part funded by The Friends of Richmond Park.
An area slightly larger than two football pitches (around 16,100m2 or four acres), close to Ham Cross plantation and adjacent to the Tamsin Trail, will be transformed into a tranquil woodland for visitors to enjoy.
Initially it will be planted with 70 climate-resilient native tree species, including Oak, Dutch Elm-resistant Elm, small-leaved Lime and Sweet Chestnut around a focal point, likely to incorporate a seating area, for rest and reflection. The larger canopy trees will be complemented by smaller trees such as Hawthorn, Blackthorn, Hazel, Elder and Dogwood.
White-letter hairstreak butterfly which will be supported by the new woodland © Nigel Jackman
The woodland will create new habitat to support a wide variety of wildlife – including the endangered white-letter hairstreak butterfly and the cardinal click beetle – both being found on just a few sites across the UK, which include Richmond Park. The shrubs will provide shelter and a food source for small mammals and invertebrates.
£100k is being invested into the woodland funded jointly by The Royal Parks and the People’s Postcode Lottery with a substantial contribution of nearly £30,000 from The Friends of Richmond Park.
Roger Hillyer, Chair of the Friends of Richmond Park, said:
“We’re delighted to be supporting this exciting initiative for Richmond Park which celebrates Her Majesty the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. The Queen’s fondness for trees means this woodland will be a fitting legacy in her honour. The new woodland chimes with the Friends’ aim of promoting the conservation, protection and improvement of the Park’s natural environment.”